Our Story

I did my own trials for 5 or 6 years and used that data to prove to my company that Necternal products work. On average, I had a $300 per acre increase on my return. It more than pays for itself.
— Brent Watt, Wada Farm, Pingree, ID

When you stop to think about it, farmers are in the business of sustaining Life. Each day, they devote their time and resources to producing healthy plants and animals in order to feed the millions of people who have come to depend on them. Farmers take great pride in maintaining the public’s trust and work hard to deliver everything that is expected of them. In trying to meet these enormous expectations, however, farmers have often turned to industrial products and practices that can work against Nature and potentially create problems — such as topsoil erosion with nitrogen run-off; crusting and degraded organic matter; and excessive release of CO2 according to regulatory standards.

Here at Necternal, when we set out to enhance what farmers do, we decided to work in partnership with Nature. We realized that if we could better understand how Nature nurtures Life, we could develop products that aim to capture that synergy. We studied how Nature heals soil and how plants store energy. We learned how a plant’s roots provide acidic nectar to symbiotic soil microbes — similar to the way that the top of the plant provides nectar to bees. We found the ideal pH level and environment for root tips and root hairs and the most effective way to increase oxygen levels in soil and irrigation water. We also studied the most vexing problems that farmers face — like the soil-hardening effects of accumulated salt residue and the depletion of organic matter.

Farmers realize that there’s a vicious cycle that comes with over-reliance on industrial ag inputs and practices: The more fertilizer farmers use, the more salts build up and harden their soil. The harder their soil, the more they get hooked on tillage to break it up. The more they rely on tillage, the more they worsen organic matter loss — which makes soil more susceptible to crusting and compaction.

By contrast, it doesn’t take long for farmers using Necternal’s products to discover it’s finally possible to reverse soil degradation. Our unique technology enables them to reduce their chemical and fertilizer inputs and tillage dramatically. Time and again, our customers have seen the kind of superior production that’s possible when they reduce their reliance on passive, humus-based, organic acids in favor of our active, nectar-based, organic acids.

This superior production is a direct result of improved soil and water conditions that allow plants to grow better root systems that then drive increased growth. All of this increased plant production pulls large amounts of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and sequesters it in the soil in its ideal form — which is more beneficial for the plants, the soil, and the environment. Understanding these complex natural relationships is how we earned our reputation as the most advanced irrigation, soil, and organic matter experts around!

Our direct-to-farmer business model means we deliver our products directly to you — along with initial guidance on how to use them. In addition to offering product support by telephone, we will soon open a 24/7 Farmer Education Resource Center online — featuring our product instruction videos, seasonal planting tips and schedules, and everything you need to get your best production yet.

Read more about Our Proprietary Technology.
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