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Offering the latest news on the five cornerstones of Next Era Ag: carbon sequestration, plant & soil health, regenerative farming, agro-water conservation, and fertilizer alternatives.
"Earlier this year, Nori paid Hill $115,000 for just over 8,000 tons of carbon stored in Hill’s soil. In the future… https://t.co/OqWPFGCWRS
Genetically modified crops to sequester gigatons of carbon by 2035? Or just use Necternal starting now?… https://t.co/eK0ShS112l
Corn Belt farmland has lost a third of its carbon-rich soil. Necternal technology can help restore this precious r… https://t.co/hx2zU9dKUn
European Union considers carbon tariffs for crops grown with nitrogen fertilizers. The Biden Administration is als… https://t.co/xRrqDcyPpB
USDA to incentivize farmers to sequester carbon. Necternal's technology can help farmers sequester without the cos… https://t.co/gipxGS146O
USDA to incentivize farmers to sequester carbon https://t.co/xM3DvSunQM
Now you can flush your worries down the drain with Scycle for septic tank treatment & maintenance. Scycle is design… https://t.co/XIMYcp1e1Q
Very informative article by @undarkmag about the decrease of oxygen levels in our lakes and oceans. #CleanWater… https://t.co/Qqbs0O1Qfr